You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Please pray for Manuel God will cast out unclean spirits. God will heal and clear out infection in left leg bones in blood. He will find Gods peace. God will lead and guide family with wisdom .
Received: July 10, 2024
Please Pray for K - she had the opportunity to drive many hours to stay with family that are aging, and to our knowledge none of them know Jesus. K has some health issues including fatigue that make travel really draining. Pray for HIS strength and wisdom. She aims to be a light. Please pray that the accommodations would work out and that opportunities to share THE truth would arise and THE Gospel could be presented
Received: June 22, 2024
Roseanna Gonzalez
Need prayer for my cousin Randy Martinez, who is going to undergo having a trach put in him tomorrow he was admitted to the hospital on Sunday and having problems breathing
Received: June 19, 2024
Prayer's for my sister she is having her gallbladder removed.She has been dealing with this for almost a year. Praying for a smooth procedure and recovery.
Received: June 19, 2024
Arcelia Alcantar
Please pray for me I’ve been feeling sick to the point that I have no appetite and energy and I’m scared
Received: June 16, 2024
I'm asking for prayer and guidance. My almost 20 year marriage is going to crumble because I have neglected my spouse. She has chosen to involve herself with another and she is going to determine who she wants to be with. I am hurt because I let her down, I need prayer and guidance. I don't know what to do.
Received: June 13, 2024
This prayer has been answered!
Can you please pray for the family of Bree Scott from Tulare. She just graduated last week from Tulare Western and she was at Kaweah Lake on Tuesday and fell into the water. Prayers for her family and friends please
Received: June 13, 2024
When you say your prayers tonight please pray for my neighbors little girl. Her name is Zoey and she is not doing well. This last week her mom has taken her to the ER 3-4 times and this last time she was taken to Madera Children’s. She has had headaches, vomiting , slurring, can’t walk, facial drooping and more. They did a Ct on her brain 2nd time she went and they didn’t see anything. Saturday they took her because her symptoms were worse and did a repeat Ct and found a mass in her brain. She is intubated, sedated and in a medically induced coma for now. She was diagnosed with DIPG (brain cancer) and the prognosis is bad. She needs a miracle.
Zoey was a happy and healthy young lady leaving 5 grade and going in the middle school next year with a whole life areas of her.