You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Kimberly Thomas
Today one of my nurses did not report to work. Upon trying to locate her, I was notified she had passed away in a car accident on the way to work not but a couple miles from her home. She was just 25 years old, lived with her parents, was the oldest of four siblings and provided a substantial portion of the the families income. She was a ray of sunshine, spreading joy where she worked. My staff of 150 are devastated and struggling with this news. I fell apart myself upon learning of the tragedy. I am asking for prayers for my department and staff for peace, comfort, resilience, and strength. I am also asking for prayers for the nurse's family for peace, strength, and comfort.
Received: December 14, 2021
I ask that you pray for my family please.. With the holidays near and my husband not working, we are struggling to make ends meet. Not knowing how we're are going to pay for rent or get money for bills has been very stressful.. I my job just doesn't cover everything.....I feel so defeated as we go through this trying time. I pray that we get through this and there is better to come.
Received: December 8, 2021
Joseph M Fasi
Joseph has been dealing with health issues for the last nine months. Any physical activity will result in health issues. Doctors have not been able to find the cause. Please pray for his recovery.
Received: December 5, 2021
Please pray that God heals my landlord and her son. They are always fighting. She is old and senile and her son picks on her. Please pray that God moves me to a safe place to live. Thank you.
Received: December 5, 2021
Please pray for my daughter she is homeless and works part time that someone will be willing to rent her a room so she be safe .
Received: December 2, 2021
Please pray for me I got full custody of my daughter last February, Since then my wife said she knew it was not going to work. our relationship has been rocky since and now she wants a divorce, and has already moved on in her heart to someone else. I am so heartbroken and depressed.